Call OC Hawls: (949) 874-7764

About OC Hawks

The OC Hawks Developmental Baseball Program provides exceptional training and experience that only travel baseball can offer—giving our players a powerful advantage in advancing their baseball careers

Our Purpose

OC Hawks is a world-class developmental baseball program led by an unmatched coaching team that includes a national championship-winning head coach, former professional players, and more. Our year-round program provides exceptional levels of training and experience that only travel baseball can offer, giving our players a powerful advantage in advancing their baseball careers.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help kids develop world-class baseball skills and fulfill their highest potential in the sport, as well as in their lives. Our baseball program equips serious players with the training, techniques, opportunities, and experience they need to succeed in baseball—from grade school to high school, to college and beyond.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide kids with invaluable life experiences made possible by, teamwork, and next-level training—to help them fulfill their potential as people as well as baseball players.

Ready to Join? You’re Going to Have a Blast Being an OCHawk!

We’d love to have you come out and play some amazing baseball with us while also having loads of fun every day!

Contact OC Hawks

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Field Practices are held at Chapparosa Park, Laguna Niguel, CA

Batting Practice Location: Laguna Beach Batting Cages 2003 Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beach, CA

Phone (text also) Number

To Sign Up or if you have questions:
(949) 874-7764